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JMU ADPI wants you to #GoGreek! James Madison University's sorority Formal Recruitment will begin September 1st. Click the link below to learn more and register.

Want to introduce yourself to Theta O? Head on over to the link below. Be sure to select "Theta Omicron Chapter" at James Madison University.

" If I hadn’t become a member of ADPi my freshmen year, I can not imagine what my college experience would be like. I came to college a very shy individual who wanted to do a lot, but was scared to put herself out there. The night before recruitment I was considering not participating because none of my hallmates were. I decided to go through with it because a lot of my family members were in Greek Life and I wanted a similar experience to theirs. Once I got a chance to speak with sisters in Alpha Delta Pi, I knew it was the place for me. I felt so welcomed, I had such fun and genuine conversations, and I always left with a smile on my face. Being a part of this chapter has made me grow so much as a person, and I have become much more confident and outgoing through my time at ADPi. I have found my forever friends and family and I know everyone in Theta Omicron is a lifelong friend. I have made so many unforgettable memories at sisterhood events, philanthropy events, recruitment, formals, and living in the sorority house my sophomore year. So thankful for ADPi and what is has done for not only myself, but for our entire chapter <3. "

Erin Miller, Director of Primary Recruitment


I went through recruitment online during Fall of 2020, and ADPi made me feel so comfortable and at home since the first round. All of the conversations I had were so easy and genuine. I couldn't imagine my college experience without ADPi. So grateful for this chapter and my best friends.

Katie, AC '20

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